Robofun 機器人論壇

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發表於 2012-3-1 02:18:38 | 顯示全部樓層
BeRobot控制板也可以考慮看看喔, 標準款16軸, 內建紅外線遙控器功能, USB, LED控制, 擴充IO...
簡單易懂的圖形控制軟體介面, 編輯動作, 設定各種控制操作, 非常簡單直覺, 所見即所得容易入門,
教育版還有 光感應功能 觸摸感應功能 支援VB/VC...等各種款式

1.CPU: up to 40MHz clock, 64Kbyte Flash, 512byte RAM, 8bit bidirectional/
bit-addressable IO port, one 4bit programmable IO port, three 16bit
timer/counters, one full duplex serial port, built in power management.
2.External Memory: 32K EEPROM, able to record 200 sets of robotic motions.
3.Degree Of Freedom: 16 programmable Servo control interface. (PWM)
4.IO Port: USB port, IrDA port, Speaker port, Light sensor port, 8 GPIO Extension port, Batteries/Power adapter Input port.
5.Software : able to program 16 servos from 0.5 ms to 2.5 ms, 0~180 degrees, 6 speeds, time duration, 2 leds, 2 sensors, 8 GPIO
6.Size: 45mm*50mm
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小黑屋|手機版|Archiver|機器人論壇 from 2005.07

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