#include <SoftwareSerial.h> //Arduino I2C library
#include <Wire.h>
// >>> 20181126
const int trigPinL = 4 ; //左邊超音波 觸發腳Trig
const int echoPinL = 5 ; //左邊超音波 接收腳 Echo
unsigned long distanceL ; // 距離 cm
// >>> 20181126 取得又邊超音波的距離設定
const int trigPinR = 2 ; // 右邊超音波 觸發腳Trig
const int echoPinR = 3 ; //右邊超音波 接收腳 Echo
unsigned long distanceR ; // 距離 cm
// <<< 20181126 取得又邊超音波的距離設定
//const int trig = 4; //define Arduino pin
//const int echo = 5;
SoftwareSerial I2CBT(11,10);
byte serialA;
const int delay_time = 1000; //delay 1000 ms for every measurment
const int LEDPin=13; // LED燈條
const int AOUTpin=0;
const int DOUTpin=8;
const int buzzerPin=12;
unsigned char i = 0;
int limit;
int value;
// >>> 20181126 取得左邊超音波的距離
unsigned long pingL() {
digitalWrite(trigPinL,HIGH) ; //觸發腳位設定為高電位
delayMicroseconds(1000); //持續5微秒
digitalWrite(trigPinL,LOW) ;
// return ( pulseIn(echoPinL,HIGH)/58) ; // 換算成 cm 並傳回
return ( pulseIn(echoPinL,HIGH)) ; // 換算成 cm 並傳回
// >>> 20181126 取得右邊超音波的距離
unsigned long pingR() {
digitalWrite(trigPinR,HIGH) ; //觸發腳位設定為高電位
delayMicroseconds(1000); //持續5微秒
digitalWrite(trigPinR,LOW) ;
return ( pulseIn(echoPinR,HIGH)) ; // 換算成 cm 並傳回
// <<< 20181126 取得右邊超音波的距離
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); //set baud rate of Serial Monitor
I2CBT.begin(9600); //set baud rate of Bluetooth
pinMode(trigPinL, OUTPUT); //set trigger pin to OUTPUT (-> pin trig of Ultrasonic Sensor)
pinMode(echoPinL, INPUT); //set echo pin to INPUT (-> pin echo of Ultrasonic Sensor)
pinMode(trigPinR, OUTPUT); //set trigger pin to OUTPUT (-> pin trig of Ultrasonic Sensor)
pinMode(echoPinR, INPUT); //set echo pin to INPUT (-> pin echo of Ultrasonic Sensor)
Serial.begin(9600);//sets the baud rate
pinMode(DOUTpin, INPUT);//sets the pin as an input to the arduino
pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);//sets the pin as an output of the arduino
void loop() {
// >>> 20181126 取得左邊超音波的距離
float duration_L; //duration to record the time of every back and forth
float distance_L;
digitalWrite(trigPinL, HIGH); //trigger sona for 1 ms
digitalWrite(trigPinL, LOW);
duration_L = pulseIn(echoPinL, HIGH);
//use pulseIn() function to get the time of pin echo from HIGH to LOW, unit=microseconds
distance_L = (duration_L / 2) * 0.034;
//distance = ( half of time of back and forth )x( wave velocity(use 0.034 cm per microsecond) )
// >>> 20181126 取得左邊超音波的距離
distanceL = ( pingL() / 2 ) * 0.034;
Serial.print("DistanceL ="); //show result on Serial Monitor
// int sendData = (int) (distance * 100); //times 100 and convert disance to integer
// byte packet[3];
// packet[0] = 97; //key send to phone
// packet[1] = sendData / 256; //divides sendData to two 1 byte packets
// packet[2] = sendData % 256;
int sendDataL = (int) (distanceL* 100);
byte packet[6];
packet[0] = 97; //key send to phone
packet[1] = sendDataL / 256; //divides sendData to two 1 byte packets
packet[2] = sendDataL % 256;
// <<< 20181126 取得左邊超音波的距離
// >>> 20181126 取得右邊超音波的距離
float duration_R; //duration to record the time of every back and forth
float distance_R;
digitalWrite(trigPinR, HIGH); //trigger sona for 1 ms
digitalWrite(trigPinR, LOW);
duration_R = pulseIn(echoPinR, HIGH);
//use pulseIn() function to get the time of pin echo from HIGH to LOW, unit=microseconds
distance_R = (duration_R / 2) * 0.034;
//distance = ( half of time of back and forth )x( wave velocity(use 0.034 cm per microsecond) )
// >>> 20181126 取得左邊超音波的距離
distanceR = ( pingR() / 2 ) * 0.034;
Serial.print("DistanceR ="); //show result on Serial Monitor
// int sendData = (int) (distance * 100); //times 100 and convert disance to integer
// byte packet[3];
// packet[0] = 97; //key send to phone
// packet[1] = sendData / 256; //divides sendData to two 1 byte packets
// packet[2] = sendData % 256;
int sendDataR = (int) (distanceR* 100);
// byte packet[3];
packet[3] = 98; //key send to phone
packet[4] = sendDataR / 256; //divides sendData to two 1 byte packets
packet[5] = sendDataR % 256;
// <<< 20181126 取得右邊超音波的距離
if(I2CBT.available() > 0) //check BT is succeed
if(I2CBT.read() == 97) //check recieve key from phone
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
I2CBT.write(packet[i]); //send packet to phone
value= analogRead(AOUTpin); //酒精偵測
limit= digitalRead(DOUTpin);
Serial.print("Alcohol value: ");
Serial.println(value);//prints the alcohol value
Serial.print("Limit: ");
if (250<value){
for(i=0; i<80; i++) { // 輸出一個頻率的聲音(酒精 蜂鳴器)
digitalWrite(buzzerPin, HIGH); // 發聲音
delay(3); // 延遲
digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW); // 不發聲音
delay(3); // 延時
for(i=0; i<100; i++) { // 輸出另一個頻率的聲音
digitalWrite(buzzerPin, HIGH); // 發聲音
delay(3); // 延時
digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW); // 不發聲音
delay(1); // 延時
digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW);
if (1000 > distance_L){ // LED燈條
if (1000 >distance_R){
byte Data[3];
byte cmmd[20];
int insize;
char str[256];
int i=analogRead(A0);//read sensor value
sprintf(str,"i: %d 0: %d 1: %d 2: %d",i,Data[0],Data[1],Data[2]);
if (serialA == 49){
for(int j=0;j<3;j++)