想必大家覺得奇怪, 單晶片如此多, 為何PlayRobot要用H8呢 ? 以下一些原因稍做解釋 :
1. H8 3664/3694系列, 是Renesas公司推出的H8 300H Tiny系列的產品。主要功能下
High-speed H8/300H central processing unit with an internal 16-bit architecture
- Upward-compatible with H8/300 CPU on the object level
- Sixteen 16-bit general registers
- 62 basic instructions
Various peripheral functions
- Timer A (can be used as a time base for a clock)
- Timer V (8-bit timer)
- Timer W (16-bit timer)
- Watchdog timer
- SCI (asynchronous or clocked synchronous serial communication interface)
- I2C Bus Interface (conforms to the I2C bus interface format advocated by Philips Electronics)
- 10-bit A/D converter
http://tw.renesas.com/fmwk.jsp?c ... 3694_h83694n_group/
2. 程式語法為C語言, 可編輯執行高速運算使用, 開發環境可使用非常風行及便利的
GNU Development Tools for the Renesas H8/300[HS] Series
參考 http://h8300-hms.sourceforge.net/
稍後會有release 更完整便利的入門手冊。
3. 開發成本單價低, 應用領域非常廣
Consumer fields: Digital camera sub (lens control)
Industrial: Motor control system sub
Home electronics: Microwave ovens, air purifiers, washers, refrigerators
Automotive: Passenger detection, air bags
當然 : 還包括機器人平台
4. 在日本機器人國度, 它是不可或缺的開發入門工具之一。
5. PlayRobot就是希望帶領大家, 進入世界級的開發系統與環境。: |