---- SimpleMessageSystem 程式 ----
Control Arduino board functions with the following messages:
r a -> read analog pins
r d -> read digital pins
w d [pin] [value] -> write digital pin
w a [pin] [value] -> write analog pin
Base: Thomas Ouellet Fredericks
Additions: Alexandre Quessy
// Include de SimpleMessageSystem library
#include <SimpleMessageSystem.h>
void setup()
// The following command initiates the serial port at 9600 baud. Please note this is VERY SLOW!!!!!!
// I suggest you use higher speeds in your own code. You can go up to 115200 with the USB version, that's 12x faster
Serial.begin(9600); //Baud set at 9600 for compatibility, CHANGE!
void loop()
if (messageBuild() > 0) { // Checks to see if the message is complete and erases any previous messages
switch (messageGetChar()) { // Gets the first word as a character
case 'r': // Read pins (analog or digital)
readpins(); // Call the readpins function
break; // Break from the switch
case 'w': // Write pin
writepin(); // Call the writepin function
void readpins(){ // Read pins (analog or digital)
switch (messageGetChar()) { // Gets the next word as a character
case 'd': // READ digital pins
messageSendChar('d'); // Echo what is being read
for (char i=2;i<14;i++) {
messageSendInt(digitalRead(i)); // Read pins 2 to 13
messageEnd(); // Terminate the message being sent
break; // Break from the switch
case 'a': // READ analog pins
messageSendChar('a'); // Echo what is being read
for (char i=0;i<6;i++) {
messageSendInt(analogRead(i)); // Read pins 0 to 5
messageEnd(); // Terminate the message being sent
void writepin() { // Write pin
int pin;
int state;
switch (messageGetChar()) { // Gets the next word as a character
case 'a' : // WRITE an analog pin
pin = messageGetInt(); // Gets the next word as an integer
state = messageGetInt(); // Gets the next word as an integer
pinMode(pin, OUTPUT); //Sets the state of the pin to an output
analogWrite(pin, state); //Sets the PWM of the pin
break; // Break from the switch
// WRITE a digital pin
case 'd' :
pin = messageGetInt(); // Gets the next word as an integer
state = messageGetInt(); // Gets the next word as an integer
pinMode(pin,OUTPUT); //Sets the state of the pin to an output
digitalWrite(pin,state); //Sets the state of the pin HIGH (1) or LOW (0)
byte sensorValueA; //宣告 BYTE變數 sensorValueA
int a; //宣告整數a
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); //設定 第一組通道Serial的鮑率為9600
void loop() {
if (Serial.available() > 0){ //如果感測到第一組通道有資料傳過來
sensorValueA = Serial.read(); //將讀到的資料放到sensorValueA
a =int (sensorValueA); //將sensorValueA 從BYTE轉換成int 放到a
Serial.print("No.1 = ");
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