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求助 Arduino Mega 2560 LCD+直流馬達控制

發表於 2014-8-7 17:52:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
各位大大好,我使用Arduino Mega 2560+LCD Keypad Shield+一顆直流馬達

我有一個程式是可以在LCD上設定時間以及鬧鐘,但我想把馬達運轉後停下來也加進去(鬧鐘響時),可是加進去後,馬達不是不動 不然就是一直轉停不下來,請問大大們 我該怎麼加比較好呢??

下面是設定鬧鐘的部分,因為整個程式太長我貼不上來......,我想在鬧鐘響後 --> 馬達運轉5秒 -->馬達停止
void setAlarm()
  int button = 0;
  // Pass maxCount to getTimerMinutes
  alarmHours = getTimerMinutes("Set Alarm Hour", alarmHours, 23);  
  // Validate alarm hours > 0 and < 24
  if (alarmHours >= 0 && alarmHours < 24)
    // Pass maxCount to getTimerMinutes
    alarmMinutes = getTimerMinutes("Set Minutes", alarmMinutes, 59);
    // allow alarm minutes to be 0
    if (alarmMinutes < 60)
      //display alarm time
      if (alarmMinutes < 10)
      if (button == btnRIGHT)
        alarmSet = true;   
        lcd.print("Alarm Set for");

// setDateTime feature
void setDateTime()
  int button = 0;

  //get month
  int setMonth = getTimerMinutes("Set Month", lastMonth, 12);
  if (setMonth > 0 && setMonth < 13)
    //get day
    // default day and hour settings on set date/time
    int setDay = getTimerMinutes("Set Day", lastDay, 31);
    if (setDay > 0 && setDay < 32)
      //get year
      int setYear = getTimerMinutes("Set Year", lastYear, 2999);
      if (setYear > 2000 && setYear < 3000)
        //get hour
        int thisHour = lastHour;
        // default day and hour settings on set date/time
        int setHour = getTimerMinutes("Set Hour", thisHour, 23);
        if (setHour >= 0 && setHour < 24)
          //get minutes
          int setMinute = getTimerMinutes("Set Minute", lastMinute, 59);
          if (setMinute < 60)
             // RTC.adjust(DateTime(setYear,setMonth,setDay,setHour,setMinute)); // for DS1307
                setTime(setHour, setMinute, 0, setDay, setMonth, setYear); // sec, min, hour, date, month, year

              lcd.print("Saving...     ");


// read the buttons from LCD keypad shield
int read_LCD_buttons()
  adc_key_in = analogRead(0);      // read the value from the sensor
  // my buttons when read are centered at these valies: 0, 131, 307, 481, 722
  // we add approx 50 to those values and check to see if we are close
  // No button pressed should be 1023
  if (adc_key_in > 1000) return btnNONE; // We make this the 1st option for speed reasons since it will be the most likely result
  if (adc_key_in < 50)   return btnRIGHT;
  if (adc_key_in < 195)  return btnUP;
  if (adc_key_in < 380)  return btnDOWN;
  if (adc_key_in < 555)  return btnLEFT;
  if (adc_key_in < 790)  return btnSELECT;  
  return btnNONE;  // when all others fail, return this...


void timedCountDown(int secondCount, char countLabel[])
  long seconds = 0;
  long minutes = 0;

  for (int i = secondCount; i >= 0; i--)
    seconds = i;
    minutes = i / 60;
    if (minutes > 0)
      seconds = seconds - (minutes * 60);  

    if (minutes > 0)
      lcd.print(" min ");
    if (seconds < 10) lcd.print("0");
    lcd.print(" sec remaining");
    if (seconds > 0) delay(1000);
    if (read_LCD_buttons() == btnSELECT) //cancel
      i = 0;

// Pass maxCount to getTimerMinutes
int getTimerMinutes(char timerText[], int startNum, int maxCount)
  int minutes = startNum;
  int button = 0;

  while (button != btnSELECT)
    button = read_LCD_buttons();

    if (button == btnLEFT)
      if ((minutes + 10) <= maxCount)
        minutes = minutes + 10;

    if (button == btnUP)
      if (minutes < maxCount)
        minutes = 0;
    if (button == btnDOWN)
      if (minutes > 0)
        minutes = maxCount;
    if (button == btnRIGHT)
      return minutes;
    lcd.print("   ");
  return 0;

void timedBeep(int beepTime, int beepCount)
  for (int i = 0; i < beepCount; i ++)
    digitalWrite(beeper, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(beeper, LOW);

void lcdClear(){

void timerCancelled(char message[])
  lcd.print(" Cancelled");

void setOffAlarm()
  int button = 0;
  int i = 0;
  digitalWrite(backLight, HIGH); // turn backlight on
  while (button != btnSELECT)
    button = read_LCD_buttons();
    if (i > 50)
      lcd.print("Alert Alert");
      lcd.print("     Alert Alert");      
      i = 0;

  alarmSet = false;  
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小黑屋|手機版|Archiver|機器人論壇 from 2005.07

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